OF The
Senate OF mICHIGAN tECHNOLOGical university

11 Nov ember 1981

(Senate Minute pages: 1966-1983)

President Pintar called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge of the Memorial Union.

Roll: Twenty five members/alternates were present. Absent were Baltensperger (AL); Bates (Ch/Chem Eng.); Frick (NU); Heckel (AL); Janners (Biology); Monson (BA); Robb (Mining); Rupley (Aerospace); Stein (President).

Acknowledgement of Visitors: President Pintar recognized visitors and made the following statement: The Michigan Open Meetings Act states that you should not require a person to declare his name to attend a public meeting." He further stated that he would operate by that procedure unless there are people who want to be officially listed in the record. He asked if anyone wanted to be so recognized and received no response. He further stipulated that if any visitor wished to address the Senate, that at this point, the visitor must identify himself and have his name placed in the minutes.

Minutes of Previous Meeting - Corrections: A letter was received from Professor Halkola (page 1972) regarding Senator Reynolds' report to the Board of Control in which he stated on page 1920 "and after Senate inactivity from 1966-68, the present Senate was formed in 1968." The record is corrected to reflect that the Senate was never "inactive."

President's Report:

President Pintar's report was prefaced by a comment that there is a perception by some that MTU has a weak Senate. He stated that to have s strong Senate two things were necessary. First, a recognition on the part of the Administration, particularly the President that a strong Senate is desired. Second, that the faculty at MTU must want to have a strong Senate, demonstrated by initiating necessary actions in areas of academic policy which require change, not merely reacting to proposals brought before it. President Pintar expressed the desire that these points be achieved and solicited the support of the senators and pledged his full support.

Not included in the President's written report was the assignment of Senators Rupley and Rivard to serve on a Senate Handbook Committee with the requirement to update, publish, and distribute the handbook to all senators.

Regarding item 3 in his report, President Pintar requested input from the Senate regarding the role of the Senate Budget Liaison Officer, the establishment of the committee, and its use. Approval of 18-78 provides the Senate with an opportunity to assert itself through a potentially very powerful committee.

Vice President's Report

Vice President Crowther briefly discussed the reports of the October 6 and October 20, 1981 meetings of the Academic Council. The report of October 6 is contained at pages 1956 and 1959 (Available by Request from the Senate Office). The purpose of the October 20 meeting was two-fold, establishment of a task force to study and make recommendations on the University tenure and promotion policies and procedures and secondly, creation of a task force to study statistics offerings of the University and recommend guidelines regarding future proposals of new statistics courses. See pages 1976 and 1977 (Available by Request from the Senate Office) for a discussion of the charter of the Ad Hoc Task Force to review and make recommendations on MTU Promotion and Tenure Policy. See also Committee Report D below.

Committee Reports

A. Curricular Policy

Senator Agin presented two major topics, an ongoing study of the goals and objectives of freshman English. Phase One, review of a faculty survey has been completed and the results presented at pages 1948-1955 (Available by Request from the Senate Office). Phase Two will involve discussion with the faculty involved in teaching Freshman English. Phase Three will develop any proposals which are indicated by the previous phases.

A second topic is Proposal 3-82 Bachelor of Science in Scientific and Technical Communications which is presented for inclusion in the minutes and discussion at the December 15 meeting. See pages 1978 and 1979 (Available by Request from the Senate Office).

B. Instructional Policy

Senator Sloan reported that a revised Proposal 1-82, Repeat Policy contained at page 1960 (Available by Request from the Senate Office) has been completed and will be discussed under old business.

C. Institutional Evaluation

Senator Beske-Diehl and Boutilier reported that evaluation work was continuing on the questionnaire and that a report could be expected probably at the meeting following December 15.

D. Promotional Policy and Professional Standards and Development

Senator Suryanarayana stated that there was no report. President Pintar asked Professor Snyder if he would like to present Proposal 2-81 at this point so he could leave. Professor Snyder reported that Proposal 2-81 had in essence died in committee and that the May 6, 1981 Resolution was offered for adoption. It was moved, seconded, and carried that the Resolution be adopted. See pages 1888-1894 (Available by Request from the Senate Office).

President Pintar requested that Vice President Whitten comment on the Task Force he had proposed, to study MTU Promotion and Tenure policy. He stated that he had inherited an issued raised by several Deans and Faculty members over difficulties and abnormalities regarding promotion and tenure policies. Given a wide variety in policies at college and departmental levels, an Ad Hoc Task Force was desired to broaden the input to the study. He requested representation of two individuals representing the whole of the University Senate rather than selection from the Faculty Senate, Promotion Policy and Professional Standards and Development Committee given the current imbalance in composition of that committee. Senate members selected will be added to the Faculty Senate Committee to facilitate the flow of information. See background and change pages 1976 and 1977 (Available by Request from the Senate Office).

E. Elections

Nominations were sought to elect Senate representation for the Ad Hoc Task Force to review and make recommendations on MTU Promotion and Tenure Policy, the University Athletic Council and to serve on the University Bookstore Advisory Committee. Candidates selected were:

Ad Hoc Task Force - Promotion and Tenure Policy: David Wilson, Clark Givens, William Francis, Peter Tampas
University Athletic Council: Mike Agin, Neil Hutzler, Martha Janners
University Bookstore Advisory Committee: Cynthia Ware, Kathleen Brahney, D. Kaufman

Senators Givens and Tampas were elected to represent the Senate on the Ad Hoc Task Force. Three names are required to be presented to President Stein for selection to the Athletic Council so all names will be provided and no election for that position was required. Cynthia Ware will serve on the Bookstore Advisory Committee.

Additional background regarding the intent of the University Bookstore Advisory Committee was provided by Vice President Whitten. He wanted to assure everyone that the committee was not appointed to investigate the Bookstore but rather to open the lines of communication between the faculty and the Bookstore. In addition to the Senate representative, each college or school will be represented as well as the Library and the Bookstore.

F. Joint Committee on Relations Between the Senate and Faculty Association

Senator Abata gave a brief oral report on two Faculty Association meetings held sine the last Senate meeting. Action has been taken to establish the faculty tea and coffee hours sponsored by the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The Association is looking into the requirement for three bells instead of one every hour. The criteria for selecting teacher and research awards is being reviewed. He made a plea for increased membership in the Association so that MTU can continue to afford to be represented at the Association of Michigan Collegiate Faculty. Dues provide a primary source for travel funds. See pages 1980 through 1981 (Available by Request from the Senate Office) for a report of the October 1-2, 1981 Conference attended by Senator Abata. He suggested that the Michigan economy will be worse this year and that the budget will not improve. The executive strongly supports technical education over non-technical and these programs will continue to receive a higher priority in budget considerations.

G. Faculty Fringe Benefits - No Report

H. Committee on Committees - No Report.

I. Senate Handbook

Senator Rivard reported that work has begun and is about twenty percent completed. To be added will be a listing of the proposals which have been superceded and a cross reference when proposals have been amended. When completed, copies will be distributed to all senators.

J. Faculty Handbook - No Report.


Old Business

A. Proposal 2-81, Promotion Information and Appeals Procedure - see above.

B. Revised Proposal 1-82, Repeat Policy

Senator Sloan presented the revised proposal to the Senate for consideration and adoption. She prefaced discussion with some background. Senator Sloan indicated a potential implementation consideration raised by the Registrar concerning the use of the term "20 credits" in item two since a course might be repeated which was partially under but exceeded the 20 credits. This was viewed as a procedural matter by the Committee and was not changed. Motions attempting amendments to resolve the potential problem died for lack of seconds. An additional potential problem regarding equal opportunity for students currently enrolled was also raised and should be considered in implementing instructions. The question was called and the Revised Proposal received a majority vote for recommended adoption as written.

New Business

A. December Meeting Date

The December meeting was scheduled in conflict with the Ohio State home hockey game. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to move the meeting to Tuesday, December 15, 1981.

B. Senate Committee on the University Budget

President Pintar reported that when President Stein approved Proposal 18-78 he expressed a desire to select the Budget Liaison and committee as quickly as possible. President Pintar requested time to receive Senate and faculty input. Specifically, it is requested that input be provided to him on the following items by December 14, 1981, so that action may be taken at the next Senate meeting.

  1. Suggested names or the procedure for selection of the Budget Liaison Officer. The nominee must be a senator.
  2. Procedure for selection of committee members.
  3. Suggested role of the Budget Liaison Officer and the committee.

C. Special Tribute to Dr. Winnikow

President Pintar requested a motion if deemed appropriate by the Senate to publicly recognize the long and faithful service of Dr. Switlana Winnikow, ME-EM Engineering who died about two weeks ago. The motion was made and carried by unanimous voice vote.

D. Faculty Support to Michigan Winter Fest Participants

President Kolb, MTU Student Council, requested a straw vote to show support of the faculty for 10-15 students to participate in a Michigan Winter Fest snow statue competition in conjunction with the 1982 Super Bowl to be held in the Pontiac Silver Dome. The question of faculty support was referred to the Instructional Policy Committee with a positive straw vote from those present.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.